IP Address Active/Passive Failover Setup in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6 using keepalived

Hey everyone out there in BBS land.  Your old friend Max here to dump out some knowledge on you. Imagine you’re living in a world of two systems and three IP addresses.  One of the IP addresses is really importing and if the system it’s running on explodes, you want it to come back up… Continue reading IP Address Active/Passive Failover Setup in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6 using keepalived

Incron, Watcher Python PyInotify Alternative. Recursively Watch A File System for Change Events using inotifywait, inotify

If you have a folder in your home directory called “/root/FilestoWatch” and in there you have a bunch of files and folders that you want to constantly be checked for changes. There are a few options out there for this type of thing: – crond (limited to every minute) – incrond (cannot recursively watch a… Continue reading Incron, Watcher Python PyInotify Alternative. Recursively Watch A File System for Change Events using inotifywait, inotify