Fix CVE-2014-3566 on multiple Apache web servers with Perl

What if you have a bunch of configuration files to update in order to fix POODLE: SSLv3 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566) ?  If you don’t have a configuration management system to help with this, you could use an easy perl one liner which you’ll see can come in handy in a ton of situations.  Specifically, we’ll be looking… Continue reading Fix CVE-2014-3566 on multiple Apache web servers with Perl

Install mod_security in Apache httpd for CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux

mod_security is an Apache plugin which is a good way to prevent malicious attacks on your web application and even just using the base/default configuration from the EPEL repository rpm package gives a pretty decent rule set and helps with hardening your system. mod_security is all about rule sets and looking for specific types of… Continue reading Install mod_security in Apache httpd for CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux

How To Install The EPEL Repo on CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 7, 6 and 5

CentOS 7:]# wget]# rpm -Uvh epel-release-7*.rpm CentOS 6:]# wget]# rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm CentOS 5:]# wget]# rpm -Uvh epel-release-5*.rpm Enjoy Mm.,

Run a Command on Multiple Systems at once using Bash – CentOS/RHEL

Hey there friends, So there are tons of different methods out there for managing multiple systems. Configuration management, centralized command “senders” and the like (CFEngine, Puppet, Ansible, Chef). One quick and dirty way you can manage multiple systems without setting up anything fancy or new is just with a one line for loop in bash.… Continue reading Run a Command on Multiple Systems at once using Bash – CentOS/RHEL

Compiling PHP 5.5 from Source on CentOS 6 RHEL 6 – configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.

Hey br0’s, Check this out: say you’re on CentOS 6 or RHEL6 or what have you and you’re trying to compile php 5.5.  You may end up getting the following error:]# ./configure –prefix=/phproot configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation. Here’s what you need to run in order to install the… Continue reading Compiling PHP 5.5 from Source on CentOS 6 RHEL 6 – configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.

Relay Mail To Two or Multiple eMail SMTP Servers Simultaneously Using exim in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6

Hey there fellow Hurston students! I recently completed migrating a Windows email server running SmarterMail to a Linux server running Zimbra. One of the methods used to ensure a smoother transition over to the Zimbra system was to configure an exim mail relay to receive mail destined for my domains and deliver them to both… Continue reading Relay Mail To Two or Multiple eMail SMTP Servers Simultaneously Using exim in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6

IP Address Active/Passive Failover Setup in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6 using keepalived

Hey everyone out there in BBS land.  Your old friend Max here to dump out some knowledge on you. Imagine you’re living in a world of two systems and three IP addresses.  One of the IP addresses is really importing and if the system it’s running on explodes, you want it to come back up… Continue reading IP Address Active/Passive Failover Setup in Linux CentOS 6 RHEL 6 using keepalived